Sunday, October 25, 2009

Losing my hair. does laser hair treatmennt work. any other solutions?

Yea lve been through that. There is this shampoo called "Cre-C" it really works, l dont remember exactly how much it was but it was worth it. Also, l read this article where a doctor said that is was normal for teenagers to "shed" about 100 hairs per day. So maybe you dont need a hair treatment, but that depends on you. Look for that shampoo, it comes from Mexico, and it really works!!!
Don't worry about it. Be bald - be proud. You save a fortune on shampoos and haircuts. People pay a fortune to shave their heads every day just to be like us. AU NATUREL!!
yea it works but its very expensive! theres a shampoo my dad uses, it works, its called "Recapture", you can get it by mail
Loss of hair has to be investigated.You must first examine your scalp and ensure that there is no infection .Go and see a doctor.Certain medicines cause temporary hairfall.Preventive methods are genlte combing touching the scalp several times.Massage scalp with your fingures.Taking Vitamins containing Zinc(zevit) helps.Try massage on scalp a few drops of castor seed oil or almond oil regularly for many months.
Avoid tensions.Have a cool lifestyle.Good Luck.
Rub in porrdige on to to your scalp and see if that helps.
Good Luck

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