Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My boyfriend takes supplements when he works out, are they affecting him?

my boyfriend takes micronized kreatine and nox-plode. can taking these supplements affect his behavior or any physical "attributes"? is it dangerous? should i convince him to stop?
yes, they can make physical distortions and cause something to the brain if taken in access from what i have read
The kreatine is just an amino acid. It alone should not alter his personality or harm him as your body produces these in small quanities. The other nox-plode I am not to sure about. You might try talking to someone in a health food store. They can tell you exactly what it is and how it works.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard Creatine makes you more agressive and from what I've seen/experienced/ noticed first hand there may be some truth but don't forget working out tells your body to produce more hormones which can alter your personality tho very slightly



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